The Network of Adult Basic Literacy and Education (N-ABLE) involves organizations in the Mid-South with the shared goal of supporting adults in their pursuit of lifelong learning and literacy. N-ABLE seeks partnerships that provide supportive educational, social-emotional, vocational, and counseling services to create a sustainable pipeline to expand literacy resources and services for adults.
Shelby Literacy Center
“Shelby Literacy Center has been a non-profit dedicated to helping adult learners for over 30 years. We focus on empowerment - you tell us what YOU want to accomplish and we will support you.
Because we are a smaller organization, we are able to support adults in whatever learning goals they have - whether it is to get a driver’s license, pass one last section of their HiSET test, improve their English for a career, or just to find friends, etc.”
-“We provide American Sign Language interpreters to the deaf and hard of hearing community in Shelby County and surrounding areas. Our mission is to empower Deaf individuals and their families through advocacy and outreach.”
Refugee Empowerment Program
“We're a community centered support organization. We provide wraparound services for refugees and immigrants and we are serving mostly Memphis and the mid south area. But sometimes we go a little bit beyond those borders when the call comes in.”
Liberty Memphis
“Our primary program is our family educational support program in which we focus on a targeted, at-risk young learner and ensure that they can increase their “B.A.G”, their behavior, attendance, and grades. In doing that, we go to their homes and observe what’s going on and find ways to support their parents, so that their parents can be enrolled into our paid parent training program in which they learn vital skills to help their family sustain behaviors and models to help them be successful.”
Memphis Public Libaries
”This is not a typical library that you walk into… This is truly like a community center, the library is a space, a welcoming space that welcomes people from all across the community where we provide fresh and fun programming for people of all ages.”