Give the Gift of Literacy
Dear Friends of Literacy Mid-South,
The previous year has been one of remarkable growth, success, and transformation for Literacy Mid-South. We continue to be one of the most successful providers of high-dosage literacy tutoring in the state of Tennessee and are currently serving over 20 Memphis Shelby County Schools (MSCS) through our Tutor901 program, which is in its third year. Tutor901 currently employs over 160 tutors who are helping curb the student learning loss our community has experienced in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The future is bright for Literacy Mid-South and its positive impact on our entire greater Memphis community. Through our collaborative partnerships with MSCS, The Tennessee Department of Education, local public charter schools, and so many other committed organizations in Memphis and beyond, we look forward to furthering the gains made this past year - both within schools and outside of them, as we strive to provide literacy access to Memphians of all ages.
I want to express my deep gratitude to the entire LMS Staff, AmeriCorps team members, interns, the board of directors, tutors, volunteers, community partners, donors, and learners. Our mission - to facilitate access to literacy across the lifespan - is not possible without each of you. As we look forward to 2025, please consider volunteering your time or treasure to support Literacy Mid-South’s transformative positive impact on Memphis.
John Nichols
Interim CEO
Literacy Mid-South

Upcoming Events
June 7, 2025 @ 7 PM
Novel. Bookstore

Planned Giving
Planned Giving (sometimes called Gift Planning or Legacy Giving), enables individuals to make larger gifts to charitable organizations than they could make from ordinary income.