Become an Out-of-School Time Action Partner
Become a Literacy Mid-South OST Action Partner
Do you run a camp or provide regular programming for elementary students outside of school?
Literacy Mid-South is looking to partner with community organizations who work with elementary students in the out-of-school time space. Children who are not learning over the summer usually come back to school further behind than their peers--we call this summer slide. In order to prevent this, Literacy Mid-South provides literacy resources to camps and programs that operate over the summer and after-school during the school year.
Some of those resources include:
Literacy interventions
Staff training
Free giveaway books for every participating student (summer)
Monthly meetings to discuss best practices with other summer programs in Memphis
And much more!
If you are an out-of-school time program provider and want support with providing literacy programming, please contact info@literacymidsouth.org.