Through the Tutor901 program, Literacy Mid-South is providing high-impact reading tutoring to 4,000 elementary students in School Year 2024-25.
School Year 2023-24 Report
Tutor901 is…
Research consistently shows that high-impact tutoring programs are one of the most effective strategies for accelerating student learning. The Tutor901 program follows all characteristics of high-impact tutoring identified by the Annenberg Institute at Brown University, including:
Students meet in small groups of 3 students per tutor
Groups meet 3 times per week for 45 minutes per session
All tutoring occurs in-person & during the school day
Students work with a consistent tutor, who receives training, ongoing coaching, and observation support from a former educator
Tutoring content supports learning happening in the classroom & is tailored to student’s abilities
Tutor901 tutors are Memphians committed to ensuring our students have greater access to high-quality literacy supports. Tutors:
Are paid a competitive hourly rate
Have a variety of career backgrounds & interests, including nearly 1 in 4 who are interested in a career in education
Are representative of the diversity of Memphis
Tutoring design begins with individual students, ensuring we reach students who need tutoring most and supporting both their academic & social and emotional growth. We strive to:
Reduce barriers to participation, including providing tutoring at no charge to families & conducting services in-school to reduce the burden of transportation
Distribute books & resources to students and families that are positively reflective of the multiple & intersecting identities of the students we support
Operate through an anti-deficit framework that uplifts students’ skills while supporting their reading development
Foster relationships between students and tutors
More than 90% of families supported by Tutor901 said:
Their child has talked with them about their tutoring sessions
Their child seems more interested in reading since beginning tutoring
They are satisfied with the ways LMS has communicated about tutoring and their child’s progress
Want to join the Tutor901 team?
You don’t have to be a trained educator to have an impact on a child’s reading development. Tutor901 tutors are trained to provide high-impact tutoring and receive on-going support from experienced educators.
Tutors are paid a competitive wage (beginning at $20/hour), receive valuable training and experience for career advancement in education, and provide meaningful support to students in your community.
What do current tutors say about the program?
89% would like to return as a tutor next semester
95% felt adequately prepared to lead tutoring sessions
92% made meaningful connections with the students they tutored
84% had a meaningful impact on the reading abilities of the students they delivered
100% have a better understanding of the challenges faced by students reading below grade level
42% are more interested in pursuing a career in education as a result of their time as a tutor
SY 2024-25 Partner Schools
Traditional Memphis-Shelby County Schools
LaRose Elementary
Downtown Elementary
Vollentine Elementary
Snowden K-8
Egypt Elementary
Lucy Elementary
Germantown Elementary
Riverwood Elementary
Sharpe Elementary
Macon-Hall Elementary
Shelby Oaks Elementary
Robert R. Church Elementary
Westhaven Elementary
Ross Elementary
Alcy Elementary
Dexter K-8
Kate Bond Elementary
Cherokee Elementary
Public Charter Schools
Perea Elementary
Leadership Preparatory Academy
Memphis Merit Academy
Memphis Delta Prep
Power Center Academy
Millington Municipal Schools
Millington Primary
Millington Intermediary