Adult Learning Program
The Adult Learning Program at Literacy Mid-South has provided education services to adults for almost 50 years.
Small Group Tutoring
We offer tutoring for adults who would like to improve their reading and writing skills, digital literacy skills, and for non-native English speakers who would like to improve their English skills. We match a group of 2-4 adults based on goals and level. When adults learn together they have peer support and motivate each other to continue their learning. A volunteer will facilitate small group learning using collaborative learning strategies focusing on interest-based learning.

Become a Learner
We offer tutoring for adults in reading, math, computers/technology, and English language learning.
You can meet with a small group of other adult learners at a library close to you. Groups will be no more than 5 people, all around the same level so you can support each other in your learning.
Sessions will be 1-2 times a week for 45 minutes to an hour. Call 901-327-6000 to make an intake appointment. Your intake appointment will take about 2 hours. There is a one-time $10 fee, then all tutoring is free.
Thank you for joining the Literacy Mid-South family!
Volunteer with LMS!
Literacy Mid-South offers tutor training workshops several times a year for volunteers 18 years of age or older.
Review the upcoming new volunteer info sessions.
Literacy Mid-South is a proud member of ProLiteracy
All things lead to literacy! No matter what your personal interests, skills, or special talents are, they can lead you to new opportunities to learn more through literacy — and connect with your community in the process!
Everyone has skills and talents to share, regardless of your education or reading level, from changing the oil in your car or growing vegetables in your backyard to baking your favorite pie or whistling the Star Spangled Banner. Since 2022, Literacy Mid-South has celebrated over 2,000 adult learners through the #ShareYourSkill901 movement. It’s also a great way to learn more about our adult learning programs and volunteer opportunities.
Look for the #ShareYourSkill901 table at events, and follow us on social media to see how we celebrate all the amazing skills in our community.