Adult Tutor Resources

Reserve the LMS study room here!

See the steps here on how to use Calendly to reserve, and here to see how to cancel or reschedule.

Study room hours may vary by day and will be closed holidays. Weekend availability is based on Playhouse box office hours, Saturdays 10-5 and Sundays 1-5.

You can reserve for one hour or two hours, with a 15-minute buffer between sessions to finish up and clean up.

Laptops will only be available Monday - Friday.

Food and drinks are allowed but please do not leave food in the trash cans. See study room policies here.

Latest Issue: March 2025

ArtSpeak Gallery in the LMS Study Room

Learning through the language of arts 

Welcome to Literacy Mid-South’s gallery, where literacy and art come together to inspire learning. 

Art provides a neutral meeting ground to celebrate a wide variety of perspectives, values, cultures, and backgrounds. Visual arts, oral stories, and the written word facilitate freedom of expression and provide additional ways of communicating ideas, feelings, and arguments. Literacy and art combined can connect us in ways words and numbers cannot do alone. Together they reveal commonalities between people through conversation, interaction, and experiences. 

ArtSpeak Gallery was developed in partnership with Arkwings Foundation, a non-profit in the Frayser community promoting mind, body, and spirit wellness through arts and nature. Arkwings supports partners who strive to integrate arts into their programming and make creative spaces accessible to the Mid-South community.

Check out the Visual Literacy folder in the Tutor Resources folder on Google Drive for activities you can use with the art. We will change the art quarterly, so there will always be a variety of local art to interact with in your tutoring sessions.



  • Be sure to read the instructions attached to these benchmarks before using.

    Math Benchmarks for Level 0.0-1.9
    Math Benchmarks for Level 2.0-3.9
    Math Benchmarks for Level 4.0-5.9

  • For the Tutor:

    Minnesota Literacy Council
    Great resource for a variety of lesson plan ideas.

    Tips on Teaching Multiplication
    Tips from an expert on repetition and multisensory learning strategies you can use for much more than multiplication tables.

    Math Techniques for ABE Learners
    An introduction to a variety of strategies that can be used to help you teach basic math to the adult learner.

    K-5 Math Teaching Resources
    This site provides an extensive collection of free resources, math games, and hands-on math activities aligned with the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics.

    Math Goodies
    Math Goodies is your free math help portal featuring interactive lessons, worksheets, games and puzzles.

    The Teacher's Corner
    Within this section of The Teacher's Corner, you will find resources that cover all areas of math: counting, fractions, measurement, story problems, telling time, and more.

    abcteach is your one-stop resource for teaching math, with printable worksheets, interactives, and fun activities, from addition to algebra.

    For the Tutor and the Learner:
    K-8 with practice questions and answers. Great for the learner to practice on their own after the tutor introduces the concept. There is also a Spanish version of the site.
    Help solve all kinds of problems along with the steps.
    Creates and provides quality, innovative online learning opportunities to anyone who wants to improve the technology, literacy and math skills needed to be successful in both work and life.

    Math Is Fun
    This site has puzzles, games, worksheets, interactive quizzes, expansive web links, and a dictionary.

    Khan Academy
    One of the best math sites on the web. The content is free!

    Math Drills has thousands of Free Math Worksheets for teachers and parents on a variety of math topics.

    The Math Worksheet Site
    With The Math Worksheet Site you can create an endless supply of printable math worksheets.

    Math Worksheets Land
    Over 57,000 Worksheets, Tests, Homework & Answer Keys.

    Math Fact Cafe
    Choose from pre-made worksheets or create your own custom worksheets for a variety of grade levels.

    Game Classroom
    We scoured the web for the best and most trustworthy educational games with the single goal of providing students, parents and teachers with the best interactive homework help the web has to offer!

    TV411 will help you read for success, fine-tune your writing, expand your vocabulary, get a grip on math, and explore science.

    Math videos for all levels! Our goal is to provide simple and engaging math resources that make learning math more fun for students of all ages.

Practice Forms


  • For the Learner to practice:

    AI in the ESL Classroom
    Variety of sites to practice English

    Literacy Lunch with Lee
    Check out our own Lee Chase IV for short, twice weekly lessons to practice English vocabulary and conversation. Also watch live on our Facebook page every Monday and Wednesday at noon!

    We Speak NYC
    Variety of videos to practice English conversation.

    ESOL Courses
    Free lessons, games and quizzes.

    A number of activities for ESL learners and their tutors.

    English Baby!
    Multiple lesson plans, including thematic lessons, grammar and vocabulary.

    English Club
    Extensive links to a variety of lessons, quizzes, games, activities, grammar help, etc.

    Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab
    Listening activities and quizzes learners can practice on their own.

    Activities for ESL Learners
    More activities for listening, speaking, grammar and vocabulary that learners can practice on their own.

    Study Zone
    Many activities including vocabulary learners can practice on their own.

    Many Things
    Great website for beginning English Language Learners to hear simple words, phrases and sentences.

    Adele's ESL Corner
    Great website for high beginning to advanced for listening, vocabulary and grammar.

    Road to Grammar
    Games, downloads and quizzes for intermediate learners.

    TV411 will help you read for success, fine-tune your writing, expand your vocabulary, get a grip on math, and explore science.

    Logic of English
    A handy phonogram chart with audio.

    For the Tutor:

    USALearns English
    1000's of lessons for ELL

    Minnesota Literacy Council
    Great resource for a variety of lesson plan ideas.

    Literacy Work International
    Videos of examples of ESL classrooms and lessons.

    ESL Flashcards and Printables
    These flash cards are a great first start with your ESL student!

    New Jersey TESOL
    Dozens of links for teachers to access online lesson plans for students from kindergarten to adult ESL learners, as well as professional teacher organizations.

    Diary of a Beginner
    Tips and advice on getting started tutoring from a beginning ESL tutor.

    Language Lessons
    Have a student who speaks another language other than Spanish? Click here to learn the basics of their native language.

    ESL Grammar, Vocabulary, and Spelling
    This is a great resource when teaching about items such as verbs, nouns, and pronouns

    The group is a community of practice for educators to discuss issues relevant to providing research- and evidence-based educational services to adult English language learners; share information and resources that can be used to inform practitioners about these issues and improve practice; and enrich and improve public policies related to adult English language learners.

    TESOL Resource Center
    Contains lesson plans, teaching tips, activities, assessment tools, and many other useful teaching resources. All resources are geared to help ESL teachers at every level, from primary to university (and some teacher training as well), while English proficiency levels range from Beginner to Intermediate to Advanced. Education
    Ideas for lessons and conversation starters and activities that you can use one on one or in small groups.

    Using English
    Tons of ESL tutor resources and worksheets.

    Sight Words Game
    Great worksheets for beginning English learners; directional and positional words, sight words, writing and spelling activities.

    For the Tutor and Learner:

    English Forum
    Pages for learners and tutors to use for lesson planning or practice for the learners at home.

    ESL Flow
    Activities for practice on your own or with a tutor, great ideas for lesson plans.

    English as a Second Language
    Activities tutors and learners can use, with podcasts and audio to practice listening and speaking.

    Dave's ESL Cafe
    Job listings, student and teacher materials, an online bookstore, chat rooms, teacher forums, podcasts etc.

    Mondo's World
    Created by a longtime teacher who began in Japan, Mondo’s website has a wide-ranging number of links, meant to expose students to English in a variety of ways, while simultaneously providing teachers with a range of teaching methods and topics.

    Isobel's ESL Site
    Workshops, resources, and user-created materials for ESL tutors and students

    Karin's ESL Partyland Links
    Content-based, topical, interactive lesson plans; varied language learning approaches (including how to learn Spanish effectively and efficiently); TOEFL test prep, slang/idioms/informal English; and ESL lessons for adults and beginners (and adult beginners!).

    Resource Page for ESL
    A user-friendly site that has many wonderful activities, drawing from various sources for its materials and links, while demonstrating the practicality for English speakers learning another language.
    Combines proven teaching methods with Internet technology (like podcasts) for teaching K-12th grade reading and language arts.

    VOA Learning English
    Use current news stories to learn English. Video with subtitles, quizzes, and stories you can use with your learner and activities they can use on their own for review or extra practice.


  • LitWorks
    A great site with an extensive list of various resources on numerous topics related to helping improve nearly every aspect of adult literacy.

    Citizenship Interview Test
    A video from the USCIS’s YouTube channel that gives both student and teacher a good visual idea of what to expect during the citizenship interview process with the USCIS. The channel has multiple videos that can be used at different points throughout the study process.

    Rong Chang EL Civics
    A site that concentrates on how to address issues faced by immigrant children and their families as they attempt to adjust to life in America.

    Welcome to the United States: A Guide for New Immigrants
    Printed in fourteen different languages from English to Haitian Creole to Vietnamese, this document offers useful information to help immigrants settle into everyday life in the United States as well as basic civics information that introduces new immigrants to the U.S. system of government.

    Civics and Citizenship Toolkit
    USCIS document that helps prospective citizens determine what steps they need to complete in order to become a legal American citizen.

    New Naturalization Test Information
    A site with information on how to pass the naturalization test with the help of downloadable flash cards, interactive online practice tests, and videos.

    The Immigrant Learning Center
    This collection compiled by The ILC Public Education Institute provides lessons, webinars, blogs, and more for teachers of English for speakers of other languages.

    The Immigrant Learning Center: Citizenship Practice Test, Interview, and Application


  • Financial Literacy Learning Plans
    These learning plans from LearnerWeb, designed for teachers and tutors, facilitate the teaching of financial literacy to adult ESL learners.
    Short lessons on financial basics, it will read to the text aloud for low-level readers.

    Practical Money Skills
    A site, in association with VISA, that provides resources, lesson plans and games that are all focused on financial literacy.

    System for Basic Education Support
    A list of adult literacy resources, including a training organization and a number of websites. Some websites may be too complex for low literate students, but the materials can be modified as needed.

    Institute for Financial Literacy
    Various PDF and Excel budget-planning documents that can be downloaded and used by tutors.

    Hands On Banking
    Resource page of instructor guides for students of all ages and abilities, from kids to adults.

    Good resource page that provides links to various levels of financial literacy lesson plans.

    Collection of links to lesson plans and ideas about teaching beginning financial literacy using premade cards, money, and boards to play the game.

    The education section of the FDIC website provides many free resources for younger and older adults about financial literacy. You can even download an MP3 for your student or receive a CD-ROM in the mail free of charge.


  • Bible Gateway
    Multiple versions of the Bible available including audio versions that can be read to the listener while they read along, video lectures, and reading plans that could be molded into lesson plans

    Mr. Don's Social Studies Site - Religions
    Lesson plans, presentations, games and activities about numerous world religions from Christianity to Taoism to Native American beliefs

    Bright Hub Education - Religion
    Website dedicated to teaching religion in high schools through discovering practical connections that engage and interest both students and teachers

    Internet Sacred Text Archive
    Website that provides downloadable sacred texts on numerous world religions and belief systems

    The Harmony Institute: Ten Teachings Shared By Major Religions
    A document that attempts to define ten key teachings that are commonly shared by the world’s key religions—Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Hinduism, through their own words

    The Learning Network: Sweet on Faith
    A lesson plan that shows how candy/sweets can play an important role in religions.

Learning Disabilities

A Note About Learning Disabilities

Literacy Mid-South unfortunately does not have the resources available to provide learning disability assessments for all of our adult students.  Your student may have an undiagnosed learning disability, but we urge you not to diagnose this yourself.  If you are concerned about your student's progress, please contact Literacy Mid-South.  We have various supplemental materials for learning disabled students and several places we can refer the student.  Don't take matters into your own hands--give us a call! 

  • Learning Disability Link - Tutor Resources
    Primarily focused on preparing teacher and student for the GED test’s sections, the site has a lot of good links to teacher prep and lesson plans

    LD Online
    Listing of resources from LD Online that breaks down their links into several categories—organizations and websites, books for parents and professionals, and opportunities for LD learners

    National Center for Learning Disabilities
    A webpage that essentially breaks down learning disabilities, rights and accommodations, tips for daily living, as well as outlining some adult-related sections on post-high school and job-related avenues available to LD learners

    Florida Literacy
    Document succinctly breaks down learning disabilities, including ESL learners

    Literacy Online
    Webpage that offers superb, concise ideas on dealing with adult learners effectively

    National Center for Learning Disabilities
    E-book that discusses getting a job for LD adult learners and their everyday challenges

Job Readiness

Driver’s License Prep

Health Awareness

  • Health Literacy Special Collection
    Provides curricula, health information, and readings about health awareness.

    H.E.L.P Curriculum
    These resources are to help the public learn more about health and health literacy.

    Research-based Health Literacy Materials
    These health literacy materials meet both the need of adults to enhance their literacy skills as well as their need to navigate the health care system and begin to achieve better health care for themselves and their families. These materials integrate literacy skills and practice with pertinent health information.

  • Health
    A selection of articles, podcasts (with printable transcripts!), a free monthly newsletter, and books which could all help tutors to create viable lessons.

    Brain Grade Test
    After signing up for a free membership, a student or tutor could take a quick test to see how to improve their brain’s health and function. The site provides users with an outlined brain training regimen that be completed in 10/min a day. With all the vocabulary involved, it could easily take much longer but remain challenging and fun.

    Consumer Health Reports
    Free, patient-ready, consumer-friendly guides to health care from Consumer Reports. Materials are generally written at an 8th-grade level.

Digital Literacy

    Creates and provides quality, innovative online learning opportunities to anyone who wants to improve the technology, literacy and math skills needed to be successful in both work and life.

    Basic Computer Skills MOOC - Covers operating systems, using a keyboard, email, social media, internet, and word processing.

    Typing Club
    Learn how to type, free.

    Computer Literacy Instruction
    Many helpful tools from the Minnesota Literacy Council to help adults use techology

    Educational Technology and Mobile Learning
    A resource of educational web tools and mobile apps for tutors

    Free Tech for Teachers
    A great link to a document that provides a list of websites for lessons, teacher development, and more. The site really delves into what tech resources teachers and students can effectively use in a class. Many of these resources are for elementary schools, but they can certainly be modified for adult students.

    NorthStar Digital Literacy
    Included are basic computer digital literacy standards and modules in nine main areas: Basic Computer Use, Internet, Windows Operating System, Mac OS, Email, Microsoft Word, Social Media, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint.

    Tutors and students can use Pinterest in a number of ways. Firstly, Pinterest can be used to post interesting articles or reading exercises for the students when not tutoring. Additionally, Pinterest can be used as a way to search and type words to find pins of interest by the student.

    Facebook is used by many of our students. You could create a Facebook "Group" to communicate with your student, promote interesting articles or additional information for upcoming tutoring sessions, or start a discussion. You can also help your students post status messages, create an event for a birthday party, or search for old friends. The opportunities for learning are endless!

    Twitter can be used for learning in many different ways. Tutors and students could follow the tweets of their favorite musician or a local politician. Students could tweet to other people (including celebrities!). Students can also search for certain topics and find old friends.

    Blogging is a great way to teach digital literacy while also developing vocabulary, working on sentence structure, and writing creatively. Students could create a learning journal that chronicles what they are learning in tutoring or they could create an experience blog that shares their life experiences. They can write poetry, tell stories, or give their opinion about the latest football game. **Be sure to discuss privacy settings with your student before setting up the blog.

Continuing Education