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Fall Volunteer and Learner Meet-Up Series!

Join us for a series of meet-ups!

Sign up here to attend one or all events!

Tutors! 10/15, 530-630p
We'll revisit how a volunteer council can benefit the ALP, and how we can blend the volunteer council and learner council to have the most impact on advocating for adult literacy in Memphis.  

Learners! 10/22, 530-630p
We'll chat about the learner council, and what is involved if you want to join. You'll meet other learners and see how you can support each other.

Everyone! 10/29, 530-630p
Meet other tutors and learners, ask questions, and get advice! You are our adult program! We want to hear how we can do better, what else we can do, and how you want to be involved. Curious about how to become a learner or volunteer? Join us and hear about current client and tutor experiences!

We'll have games and Halloween trick-or-treat, and dress up (if you want!) as your favorite book character for the 29th! Snacks and drinks will be provided at each meet-up. Meet us at our office, Playhouse on the Square, 4th floor!

October 12

Gas-Powered Lawnmower Maintenance & Repair Workshop

October 18

Artspeak Exhibit Opening: Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month w/ Cazateatro