

Through the Tutor901 program, Literacy Mid-South is providing high-impact reading tutoring to 4,500 elementary students in Memphis and Shelby County from 2022-2024.

LMS was one of five organizations across the state to receive a TN ALL Corps Community Partner Grant from the Tennessee Department of Education to support students recovering from learning loss related to the pandemic.

School Year 2023-24 Report

Tutor901 is…


Research consistently shows that high-impact tutoring programs are one of the most effective strategies for accelerating student learning. The Tutor901 program follows all characteristics of high-impact tutoring identified by the Annenberg Institute at Brown University, including:

  • Students meet in small groups of 3 students per tutor

  • Groups meet 3 times per week for 45 minutes per session

  • All tutoring occurs in-person & during the school day

  • Students work with a consistent tutor, who receives training, ongoing coaching, and observation support from a former educator

  • Tutoring content supports learning happening in the classroom & is tailored to student’s abilities


Tutor901 tutors are Memphians committed to ensuring our students have greater access to high-quality literacy supports. Tutors:

  • Are paid a competitive hourly rate

  • Have a variety of career backgrounds & interests, including nearly 1 in 4 who are interested in a career in education

  • Are representative of the diversity of Memphis


Tutoring design begins with individual students, ensuring we reach students who need tutoring most and supporting both their academic & social and emotional growth. We strive to:

  • Reduce barriers to participation, including providing tutoring at no charge to families & conducting services in-school to reduce the burden of transportation

  • Distribute books & resources to students and families that are positively reflective of the multiple & intersecting identities of the students we support

  • Operate through an anti-deficit framework that uplifts students’ skills while supporting their reading development

  • Foster relationships between students and tutors

More than 90% of families supported by Tutor901 said:

  • Their child has talked with them about their tutoring sessions

  • Their child seems more interested in reading since beginning tutoring

  • They are satisfied with the ways LMS has communicated about tutoring and their child’s progress

Want to join the Tutor901 team?

You don’t have to be a trained educator to have an impact on a child’s reading development. Tutor901 tutors are trained to provide high-impact tutoring and receive on-going support from experienced educators.

Tutors are paid a competitive wage (beginning at $20/hour), receive valuable training and experience for career advancement in education, and provide meaningful support to students in your community.

What do current tutors say about the program?

  • 89% would like to return as a tutor next semester 

  • 95% felt adequately prepared to lead tutoring sessions

  • 92% made meaningful connections with the students they tutored 

  • 84% had a meaningful impact on the reading abilities of the students they delivered 

  • 100% have a better understanding of the challenges faced by students reading below grade level 

  • 42% are more interested in pursuing a career in education as a result of their time as a tutor

We are currently recruiting applicants for tutoring positions in Millington.